\myheading{Sudoku} \leveldown{} Sudoku puzzle is a 9*9 grid with some cells filled with values, some are empty: % copypasted from http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/sudoku/ \newcounter{row} \newcounter{col} \newcommand\setrow[9]{ \setcounter{col}{1} \foreach \n in {#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9} { \edef\x{\value{col} - 0.5} \edef\y{9.5 - \value{row}} \node[anchor=center] at (\x, \y) {\n}; \stepcounter{col} } \stepcounter{row} } \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.7] \begin{scope} \draw (0, 0) grid (9, 9); \draw[very thick, scale=3] (0, 0) grid (3, 3); \setcounter{row}{1} \setrow { }{ }{5} {3}{ }{ } { }{ }{ } \setrow {8}{ }{ } { }{ }{ } { }{2}{ } \setrow { }{7}{ } { }{1}{ } {5}{ }{ } \setrow {4}{ }{ } { }{ }{5} {3}{ }{ } \setrow { }{1}{ } { }{7}{ } { }{ }{6} \setrow { }{ }{3} {2}{ }{ } { }{8}{ } \setrow { }{6}{ } {5}{ }{ } { }{ }{9} \setrow { }{ }{4} { }{ }{ } { }{3}{ } \setrow { }{ }{ } { }{ }{9} {7}{ }{ } \node[anchor=center] at (4.5, -0.5) {Unsolved Sudoku}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} Numbers of each row must be unique, i.e., it must contain all 9 numbers in range of 1..9 without repetition. Same story for each column and also for each 3*3 square. This puzzle is good candidate to try \ac{SMT} solver on, because it's essentially an unsolved system of equations. \input{puzzles/sudoku/1/main_EN} \input{puzzles/sudoku/2/main_EN} \input{puzzles/sudoku/GT/main_EN} \input{puzzles/sudoku/killer/main_EN} \input{puzzles/sudoku/KLEE/main_EN} \input{puzzles/sudoku/SAT/main_EN} \levelup{}